Dr. Nathan VanderLinde


Dr. VanderLinde is very familiar with the area, having grown up in Alliston Ontario and enjoying all the great outdoor activities it has to offer. He graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College in 2006 and worked for a short period in mixed animal practice before shifting his focus to small animal medicine.

Nathan’s favourite aspects of the veterinary field include performing surgeries and providing dental care, as well as helping puppies and kittens prepare for all the challenges that come with growing up big and strong!

Nathan’s passion for the veterinary field comes from his respect for the deep emotional bond we form with our furry family members. He treats every pet as if they are his own and is often seen snuggling up with his surgical patients after their procedures.

In his free time Dr. VanderLinde enjoys skiing on our local hills, mountain biking, camping with his friends and practicing his woodworking skills. He loves spending time with his wife,his dog Penny and his 2 daughters, both of whom seem to have inherited their dad’s sharp sense of humour!

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